Terms and conditions

These rules and details, along with the information linked here (called the “Terms”), explain how the website at the URL (the “Website”) and its related services (together known as the “Service”) will be given to you.

It’s important to read these Terms carefully because they make a serious agreement between you – the customer (the “Customer”) – and the Service. When you create an account (the “Account”) and use the Service, you agree to follow these Terms, along with any updates that might be shared later.

If you have any questions, please contact the Service using the details below.

The Service is run by HSF Gaming N.V, a company based in Curacao with the registration number 160747, located at Zuikertuintjeweg Z/N (Zuikertuin Tower), Curaçao.

HSF Gaming N.V is authorized in Curacao with License 8048/JAZ2022-056 for offering sports betting and casino games. HSF Gaming N.V will only contact Customers through email at the email address registered with their Player’s account (the “Registered Email Address”) which was provided during the account setup. All communication from onabet.com will come from the email address info@onabet.com.

General Terms

The Service can change the rules anytime. If the changes are minor, it may not tell you beforehand. But if the changes are important, it will let you know in advance and ask you to agree to the new rules. If you don’t like the changes, you must stop using the Service. If you keep using the Service, it means you agree to the new rules. Any unresolved bets before the rule change will follow the old rules.

If you’re unsure about how to bet or use the Service, check these rules or contact the customer Service department at info@onabet.co

Your Obligations

By using the Service, you agree to the following:

  1. You are at least 18 years old (or the age of majority in your country) and can legally enter into an agreement with us.
  2. You are in a country where betting is allowed (get legal advice if unsure).
  3. You are not a resident of certain restricted countries – the French Republic and its territories, Netherlands (including Curacao and other countries and territories that form part of the Kingdom of Netherlands), Iran, North Korea, Singapore, Albania, Barbados, Botswana, Cambodia, Jamaica, Haiti, Mauritius, Myanmar (Burma), Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
  4. When sending money, you have the authority to do so, such as being the cardholder.
  5. You will not have any conflicts of interest by using the Service.
  6. You have never failed to pay a bet.
  7. You are betting for yourself, not on behalf of others or for commercial reasons.
  8. You are aware that you may lose money by betting, and you are responsible for those losses.
  9. You must only use the Service for legitimate betting and not manipulate any markets or elements in bad faith.
  10. When placing bets, you must not use any illegal information.
  11. You must make payments in good faith and not try to reverse them to avoid legitimate liabilities.
  12. You must always act in good faith when using the Service.


  • When using the Service, you agree to the following:
  1. It may refuse to accept a registration from any applicant for operational reasons, without providing a specific reason.
  2. Before using the Service, you must complete the registration form and accept the Terms. You must also become a verified Customer by passing certain checks, which may include providing a valid proof of identification and proof of residence.
  3. It may suspend wagering or restrict Account options until required information is received. This is a legal requirement and is done in accordance with gaming regulations and anti-money laundering laws. You must fund your Player’s Account using the payment methods listed on our Website.
  • You need to give accurate and complete information about yourself, including your name, address, and email address. Make sure to update this information in the future to keep it accurate.
  • It’s your job to make sure your contact details are current on your Account. If you don’t, you might miss important notifications and updates from us, like changes to these Terms.
  • The Service communicates with its Customers through their Registered Email Address. It’s important for Customers to have an active and unique email address, provide the correct email, and let us know if it changes.
  • Customers are responsible for keeping their Registered Email Address secure to prevent unauthorized access by others.
  • Onabet.com is not responsible for any damages or losses that may result from communication between Onabet.com and the Customer using a Registered Email Address. 
  • Customers without a reachable email address will have their Account suspended until one is provided. 
  • If you provide false or inaccurate personal information, your Account will be immediately suspended and legal action may be taken against you. 
  • You are only allowed to have one Account with the Service, and multiple Accounts will result in immediate closure. 
  • This includes the use of representatives or third parties on your behalf. 
  • The Service may use third-party information providers to confirm your financial worthiness and identity.
  • Keep your password confidential.
  • Given that you have provided the correct Account information, the Service will assume that any bets, deposits, and withdrawals made are done by you.
  • It’s recommended changing your password regularly and keeping it private.
  • Passwords should have at least one letter, one number, and one special character, and be at least eight characters long. It is your responsibility to keep your password safe, any negligence in doing so will be solely your risk and cost.
  • Remember to log out of the Service after each session.
  • If you suspect that your Account information is being misused, or your Account has been hacked, or your password has been compromised, please notify the Service immediately via email at support@onabet.com using your Registered Email Address.
  • You must tell the Service if your registered email is hacked. It might need more info to confirm it’s you. Once the Service knows, it’ll stop your account. You’re responsible for all actions even if others access your account without permission.
  • Don’t share Service info with others through methods like screen captures. Your account activities should look normal as if typed directly into the browser.
  • When signing up, pick a currency for your account. This will be used for deposits, withdrawals, and bets. Some payment methods may need conversion, which will be shown on the page.
  • The Service is not obliged to open an account for you. Its sign-up page is only an invitation. It’s up to us to decide whether to open an account for you, and it can refuse without giving a reason.
  • After applying, the Service might ask for more details to meet legal requirements.

Restricted Use

You can’t use the Service if:

  1. You’re under 18 (or the legal age in your country). This means you need to be old enough to make your own agreements. 
  2. You can’t make legally binding agreements. You have to be able to enter into a contract with the Service.
  3. You collect information from other users without their permission. This includes things like nicknames, email addresses, or any other personal details. You can’t send spam or unsolicited emails, or try to trick people into visiting the Service.
  4. You disrupt the Service or bother other users. Don’t do anything that makes it harder for others to use the Service.
  5. You advertise or promote things without permission. This includes commercial ads, affiliate links, or trying to sell something without asking us first. 
  6. You can’t try to cheat the Service or other users, or work with others to gain an unfair advantage. 
  7. You can’t collect information from the website in a way that violates our terms of Service or intellectual property rights.
  8. You can’t use the Service for any illegal activity.
  9. You can’t buy, sell, or transfer your account to anyone else.
  10. You can’t move money between different player accounts.
  11. The Service can close your account and take legal action if you break these rules.


Any information you provide to the Service will be safeguarded and handled in strict compliance with these Terms and the Privacy Policy.

The Service will not disclose the identity of any individual placing bets through the Service unless legally obligated by competent authorities, including but not limited to Regulators, the Police (for example, to investigate fraud, money laundering, or sports integrity matters), or Financial Entities like banks or payment providers. This disclosure may also occur under circumstances permitted by our Privacy Policy.

Upon registration, your information is stored in the database. This may involve transferring your personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to regions potentially offering different levels of protection and security than those within the EU or EEA. By accepting these Terms, you consent to the transfer of your personal information for the purpose of delivering the services outlined in this agreement.

Your Account 

The Service offers accounts in various currencies. The currency you choose when opening your account will be used for all your account balances and transactions.

The Service doesn’t give credit for using our Service. You can only bet with funds you have in your account.

The Service may close or suspend your account and refund any money you have if you break the terms of Service or if it believes you are doing so. It may also take this action to ensure fair play or for other valid reasons. It might not always be able to give you notice beforehand.

The Service may temporarily suspend your account without notice and return all your funds. Any bets that have already been settled will still be paid out.

The Service can refuse, limit, or cancel any bet for any reason, including bets that it believes are made in a fraudulent way to bypass the betting limits or rules.

If the Service closes your account because you broke the terms of Service, it may cancel or void any bets you have placed.

If the Service accidentally puts money in your account, it’s still its money. It’ll tell you about the mistake, and take the money back.

If you spend more than you have in your account, you owe the difference. 

Let the Service know right away if you see any mistakes in your account.

You can choose to stop using onabet.com. Just send an email from your registered email address to support@onabet.com.

You can set limits on how much you can bet and lose. Send an email from your registered email address to support@onabet.com.

The service will make changes to your limits quickly. However, if you want to remove or lower your limits, you’ll have to wait seven days after you ask.

If you want to close your account, email the Service from your registered email address at support@onabet.com.

Deposit of Funds

You can add money to your account using the methods listed on the website. All deposits must be in the same currency as your account. If you deposit money in a different currency, we’ll convert it using the current exchange rate from the bank.

There might be fees for adding or taking money out of your account. If you deposit money and don’t use it for three times the amount you put in (the Service calls this “rolling over”), there’s a 3% processing fee, and you might have to pay a withdrawal fee too. You are responsible for any fees your own bank charges when you deposit money with the Service.

The Service uses a different company to handle credit and debit card payments. It doesn’t process these payments directly. Your account will only get the money if the Service gets approval from the company that issued your card. If they don’t approve the payment, you won’t get the money.

Your money is kept safe in a separate account for you, based on the currency of your account. The Service is not a bank, so you won’t earn any interest on the money you have in your account. Any interest earned on your money goes to it.

You cannot deposit money that comes from illegal activities.

Withdrawal of funds

You can take out any amount of money from your account, up to the limits shown on the website. Remember, there might be fees for withdrawing money.

You can only withdraw money in the same currency as your account, unless the Service tells you otherwise.

The Service might ask you for proof of who you are before you can withdraw money. It can also ask for this at any time during your time with it.

You can only withdraw money to the same debit card, credit card, bank account, or payment method you used to add money to your account. The Service might allow you to withdraw to a different payment method, but it will always need to do extra checks to make sure it’s safe.

If you want to withdraw money but can’t access your account, or if it’s inactive, locked, or closed, please contact the Customer Service team at support@onabet.com.

Payment Transactions and Processors

You are responsible for paying the Service everything you owe. You must pay honestly and not try to cancel your payments or do anything that might cause a third party to cancel them to avoid paying a legitimate debt. If you cancel a payment, the Service will make you pay back any money lost because of it. The Service can also charge you an extra €60 (or the equivalent in your currency) for every payment you cancel.

The Service might use other companies to process your payments, and you agree to follow their rules too, as long as you know what they are and they don’t conflict with the rules.

The Service might check your transactions to make sure they are not related to money laundering or terrorism. If the Service suspects something is wrong, it will tell the right authorities in the country where the transaction happened.


System Errors:

  • If the system or processes have a problem, all bets are canceled.
  • Tell the Service right away if you notice anything wrong with it.
  • The Service won’t be responsible for any problems caused by errors, bugs, or viruses in the system. 
  • The Service can cancel all bets affected by an error and fix the problem.

Casino System Issues:

  • If there’s a problem with the casino system, all bets are canceled.
  • If a system error affects odds, fees, bonuses, or payouts, the Service can cancel bets made during that error.
  • The Service might take money back from your account that was related to the error.

Mistakes with Odds:

  • The Service tries hard to avoid errors in the odds.
  • If a bet is accepted with an odd that is clearly wrong or different from what’s available elsewhere, the Service can cancel the bet.
  • This also applies to bets placed after an event has already started.

Correcting Mistakes:

  • The Service can take back any money paid to you by mistake.
  • The Service will adjust your account to fix any errors, like incorrect odds or results.
  • If you don’t have enough money in your account, the Service can ask you to pay the difference.
  • The Service can also cancel any bets that were made with money from a mistake.

General Rules

If a specific sport has a rule that’s different from the general rules, the sport’s rule will be used instead.

The winner of a game is decided on the day the game is officially over. The Service doesn’t care about protests or changes made later. If a game is stopped before it’s finished, the winner will be decided according to the rules for that sport.

Results are final after 72 hours. The Service won’t change them after that, unless there was a mistake by it or the people who provide it with the results.

The Service sets the minimum and maximum amounts you can bet on games, and it can change them anytime. The Service can also adjust the limits on your individual account.

You are in charge of your bets. Make sure you’re happy with them before you place them. The Service can’t change them once you’ve made them. It also can’t help if you miss a bet or make the same bet twice. You can check your bets in the “My Account” section after each time you use the website. 

For bets on a player winning, that player must actually enter and compete in the game or event for your bet to be valid.

A game counts even if the Service puts it in the wrong league. The important thing is that the two teams are correct.

If a game is not played on the date the governing body announced, your bet is no good. If the Service posts a wrong date, your bet will be based on the date the governing body announced. 

The Service can remove games, betting options, and other things from the website. It can also stop you from using the casino section without telling you beforehand.

For bets on things that happen over a whole season, like who wins the championship, the winner will be the same as the winner decided by the governing body. But the bet only counts if the required number of games is played.

Communications and Notices

If you need to contact the Service about these Terms, send an email to support@onabet.com. 

The Service will communicate with you about these Terms by posting information on the Website or sending an email to the email address you provided when you registered. It chooses how it contacts you. 

All communications about these Terms, from you or the Service, must be in writing and in English. If the Service isn’t run by onabet.com, you must use the email address connected to your account for all communication.

Matters Beyond Our Control

The Service is not responsible for any problems or delays with the Service if they’re caused by events beyond the control, even if the Service tried to prevent them. These events include things like natural disasters, pandemics, strikes, power outages, government actions, internet problems, or delays caused by other companies. The Service also won’t be responsible for any losses you might experience because of these events. In these situations, the Service can choose to stop or pause the Service without having to pay any compensation.


The Service won’t be responsible for any problems you might face if it doesn’t do what it promised in these terms, unless it’s its serious fault (like causing injury or death). The Service won’t be responsible if the problem is caused by:

  • It’s your own mistake.
  • A problem with the internet, your computer, or something outside of the control.
  • A situation that neither the Service nor its partners could have predicted or prevented, even if it tried its best. 

This Service is for personal use only, so the Service is not responsible for any business losses.

The Service strongly recommend that you:

  • Make sure your computer works well with the Service before you use it.
  • Protect your computer from viruses by installing anti-virus software.

Gambling by Those Underage

If the Service find out you are under 18 years old (or the legal age in your country) or were under 18 when you placed bets, your account will be blocked. You won’t be able to place bets or withdraw money. The Service will look into the situation, including if you were betting on behalf of someone under 18.

If the Service find out that you are currently under 18, you were under 18 or the legal age when you placed bets, or you were betting for someone under 18 or the legal age:

  1. The Service will keep all the money you’ve won, even if you haven’t received it yet.
  2. You have to give it back all the money you won while you were under age. If you don’t, the Service will get it back from you and charge you for the cost of doing so.
  3. The Service will return any money you put into your account that wasn’t winnings. This also applies if you are over 18 but betting in a place that has a higher legal age for betting.

If the Service thinks you’re breaking these rules or trying to use them for something dishonest, it will investigate. This might include letting the police know.


If a Customer is involved in fraud, dishonesty, or illegal activity, the Service will take legal action against them. The Service might also stop paying them if it suspects any of these things are happening. If a Customer does something wrong, they are responsible for paying it back for any losses the Service suffers because of their actions. This includes any direct or indirect costs, lost profits, damage to its business, and harm to its reputation.

Intellectual Property

The Service operates under the name onabet.com, and the name and logo are registered trademarks. If you use them without permission, the Service might have to take legal action.

The Service owns the website address onabet.com. You can’t use it on another website or platform without its written permission.

The Service owns all the rights to the website, technology, software, business systems, and odds.

You can’t use the name, logos, or odds for anything that isn’t related to the Service. You also can’t use them in a way that might confuse customers or make people think badly of it.

Unless the Service says so, it doesn’t give you permission to use its website, technology, or trademarks. You can’t copy anything from its website using automated tools. If you do any of these things, the Service might take legal action.

Your License

The Service lets you use its Service, but it’s only for your own personal use, not for business or making money. This permission is not exclusive, meaning the Service can let others use the Service too, and you can’t share this permission with anyone else. This permission ends if you break any of the rules in this agreement.

You can’t change, copy, sell, or share any part of the Service or the content on it. You also can’t create something new based on it. You can only use your own content. This includes things like copying information from the Service or trying to collect data from it. 

If you break these rules, you could be breaking the law and could be in trouble. This is because you might be using someone else’s stuff without permission, which is against the law.

Your Conduct and Safety

The Service wants you to enjoy using the Service. But to keep everyone safe, it has some strict rules about what you can and can’t do.

If you break these rules (which the Service calls “Prohibited Behavior”), it can ban you from the Service without warning. You might also face legal action from other users, third parties, or even the Service. 

What’s considered Prohibited Behavior?

This list isn’t complete, and the Service can add more rules at any time.

  1. Lying or spreading misinformation. Don’t post things you know are false, misleading, or illegal.
  2. Breaking the law. Don’t use the Service for any illegal activities, including things like promoting criminal activity, sharing info about making weapons, or violating someone’s privacy.
  3. Harming kids. Don’t do anything that could harm children.
  4. Sharing inappropriate content. Don’t share anything that’s harmful, threatening, abusive, offensive, violent, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate.
  5. Copyright infringement. Don’t share anything you don’t have the right to share, including things that violate someone’s copyright or other intellectual property rights.
  6. Interfering with the Service. Don’t try to break into the system, modify it, or use any software that could harm the Service.
  7. Scraping data. Don’t use automated tools to gather information from the Service.
  8. Scamming people. Don’t participate in any activity that could trick or scam other users.
  9. Spamming. Don’t send unsolicited advertising or spam.
  10. Creating fake accounts. Don’t create fake accounts or accounts using automated methods.
  11. Impersonating others. Don’t pretend to be someone else.
  12. Anything else the Service considers harmful. If you do anything it thinks goes against our business principles, the Service can take action.

Let the Service know if you see someone breaking the rules. You can report them using the “Contact Us” section on the website. It will investigate and take action if needed, which could include deleting their posts, banning them from the Service, or taking legal action.

Thr Service might have links to other websites that it doesn’t own or control. 

These links are just for your convenience. The Service doesn’t check or guarantee the accuracy of those websites. The Service is not connected to them in any way. It can’t be responsible for what’s on those websites or if they work. So, when you visit them, be careful and read their rules and privacy policies.


If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact the Customer Service Department at support@onabet.com.

The Service is not responsible for any issues that arise when it responds to complaints or takes action based on them.

If you are unhappy with how a bet has been settled, please contact the Customer Service Department at support@onabet.com with details of your complaint. The Service will do its best to respond within a few days, and it aims to respond to all inquiries within 28 days.

Disputes about bets must be reported within three days of the bet being settled. The Service won’t accept complaints after this time. You are responsible for all transactions made on your account. All complaints and disputes must be sent to support@onabet.com from your registered email address.

If there’s a dispute between you and the Service, its Customer Service Department will try to find a solution it both agree on. If they can’t find a solution, the issue will be passed on to its management team according to its Complaints Procedure (available upon request).

If you’re still unhappy after trying to resolve a dispute with it, you have the right to complain to one of its licensing bodies.

If you are using its Service, you can contact the Curaçao Internet Gaming Association and/or the Department of Judicial Affairs of Curaçao.

Registration and Account Security

To use the Service, you need to use your real name and information. This means you must follow these rules when signing up and using your account:

  1. Don’t use fake information or create an account for someone else.
  2. You can’t use your profile to make money (like selling your updates to advertisers).
  3. The Service can change your nickname if it thinks it’s not appropriate.


You can’t transfer your rights or responsibilities under these Terms without our written permission. The Service won’t unreasonably refuse to give you permission. It can transfer its rights and responsibilities to another company without your permission, as long as that company can provide a Service similar to it. The Service will let you know about this by posting a notice on the Service.


If any part of these Terms is decided by a court or other official body to be impossible to follow or not valid, that part will be changed so it can be followed as closely as possible to the original meaning, as allowed by law. The rest of these Terms will still be valid and can be followed.

Breach of These Terms

If you break any important part of our agreement, the Service can stop your account or stop providing you with the Service. The Service doesn’t have to tell you in advance. But it will let you know as soon as possible after the Service does it. This doesn’t mean it can’t do other things too, like taking legal action.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The laws of Curacao control how the Service run by HSF Gaming N.V. works.

General Provisions

These rules keep working as long as you use the Service or are a customer of onabet.com. Even if your account is closed for any reason, these rules still apply.

When the Service says “he”, it also means “she” or “it”. When the Service says “one”, it also means “many”. It might use words like “person” to mean a company, group, or organization too.

If you break a rule, the Service can still enforce it later. It can only forgive you in writing and has to clearly say what rule it is forgiving. Just because the Service doesn’t always enforce a rule doesn’t mean it has given up on it.

The headings in these rules are just to make them easier to read. They don’t change what the rules actually mean. When the Service says “these terms,” it means the whole document, not just one part.

By using the Service, you say you’ve read and understood all these rules and agree to them. You can’t later say you didn’t understand or disagree.

If there’s a difference between the English version of these rules and any other language version, the English version is the correct one.

These rules are the only agreement between you and the Service about using it. They replace any previous agreements or discussions the Service might have had.

Betting Rules

Onabet.com is run by HSF Gaming N.V., a company based in Curaçao. HSF Gaming is a limited liability company, meaning its owners are not personally responsible for the company’s debts. The company is registered in Curaçao with number 160747. You can find them at Zuikertuintjeweg Z/N (Zuikertuin Tower), Curaçao.

If you have any problems with the sports betting product, please email support@onabet.com.

Casino Rules

If you have any problems with the casino, send an email to support@onabet.com. You can find all the casino rules within the games themselves.

This website has special steps to make sure people are playing safely:

  • When signing up:
  1. Players have to give their real name, birthday, address, email, and phone number (optional).
  2. They need to check boxes agreeing to things like:
  3. They are 18 or older.
  4. They are playing for themselves and with their own money.
  5. This is their first or only account on onabet.com.
  6. They haven’t blocked themselves from gambling on any other websites in the last year.
  7. They’ve read and agree to the website rules.
  8. They promise all the information they gave is true and can be checked. They know if they lie, they won’t get to keep any winnings.
  9. They understand there are limits on how much money they can win and take out each day, week, or month. 
  • After signing up:
  1. The website sends an email with the rules attached. 
  2. The player has to confirm they got the email and read the rules. 
  3. They can’t put money into their account until they confirm they got the email.
  • The website rules:
  1. They are easy to find on the homepage.
  2. You can download them as a PDF file that includes the date and version number.